• 202, Ecstasy Business Park, (West), Mumbai-400080
  • [email protected]
  • Opening Time : 10: AM - 06: PM

MULTICRAFT provides an outstanding range of indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi distribution systems, designed to cover areas of all sizes that require reliable Wi-Fi. When running a business or providing a service, you can rely on MULTICRAFT to provide high quality, reliable and intelligent Wi-Fi solutions.

MULTICRAFT has vast experience in Wifi Deployment. Some of the key projects are listed as below –


Various Applications

1. Hotel Wi-Fi

Hotels need different category of WiFi service to its guests, members & affiliates

The Wifi must be have individual Guest login with OTP Based access for secured connectivity.

The Wifi must Integrate with membership database

The Wifi should integrate with hotel PMS system and upsell the WiFi service

2. Wi-Fi For Social Promotion

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